My Soaring Popularity

According to Alexa (that is,, the web statistics page, not Alexa my old housemate), my website is currently ranked number 2,802,305. Now I have no idea if that’s good or bad, but I do know that Alexa also says in the last three months its rank has improved by 1,362,007. So if I can keep that up, then in three months I’ll be ranked 1,440,298 and three months after that I’ll be number 78,291. That’s pretty good. But at this rate I’ll be the most visited site on the Internet in six months and 5 days. After that I’ll break though the barriers of Earthly popularity and into the bizarre but intriguing realms of negative rank. I trust you’re all suitably excited.

Personally, I don’t have much faith in Alexa. It measures all traffic by users of the Alext toolbar, and that’s a fairly skewed subset of Internet users. It’s probably alright for big sites, but even then it’s not ideal. For small sites, the numbers are utterly meaningless.

Wikipedia still holds their word as gospel, though.